Leaving Your Mark Behind

Now, suppose this date did work out as planned and you thoroughly enjoyed the company of the other person. You would want the other person to remember you and think about you, wouldn't you? How do you make sure that the other person does think about you?

Just leave your mark behind. But a business card or visiting card is not appropriate as it lends a very formal color to the picture. Surely you do not want that person to remember you for your credentials or your designation. Something more personalized would be more appropriate.

Put your artistic and creative talents to use. If you are poetic, you could pen down a few lines on a small card and hand it to the person. The lines should not be about the person, but about general topics like friendship, relationships, togetherness, warmth, or meetings. But do the writing in advance and keep it right at the moment. Do not try to write a poem on a paper napkin with the person sitting in front of you!

Even if you can't write poetry, you could get some dried flowers and stick them onto a card and copy down the lines of somebody else, but admit to the person that the lines are not yours.

Keep such a token with you and wait for the right moment. Just before you part, if you are sure that "this is the one", then hand it over to the person with a shy expression on your face and a timid, " I made this for you.." Believe me, it's far better to say "I made this for you" than " I bought this for you".

But if you are not too sure that you want to see this person again, well, keep it with you and save it for the next person.

If the person is the right person, and if you hand the person this personalized token, the person is sure to think of you in a much fonder way.

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